PHP Classes

Classes: Databases

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  All class groups  >  Databases (1980)  >  Top rated classes  


Database management, accessing and searching.

  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  
  1 - 20   ...   261 - 280   281 - 300   301 - 320   321 - 340   341 - 360   361 - 380   ...   1980 - 1980  
  Files folder image Database-Connection  
Author: Test Test <e-mail contact>
Database access abstraction layer

  Files folder image database.class.php  
Author: Alan Blockley <e-mail contact>
Database abstraction to access multiple databases

  Files folder image Database.php  
Author: John Luxford <e-mail contact>
A DBI-like database abstraction layer with drivers for MySQL, InterBase, ODBC, PostgreSQL (incomplete), and Oracle (incomplete).

  Files folder image DatabaseAccess  
Author: Ditesh Kumar <e-mail contact>
Abstract db queries from the ADOdb library.

  Files folder image DataGrid  
Author: samik71 <e-mail contact>
Display paginated MySQL query results in a grid

  Files folder image Datamodul  
Author: Tamas Hernadi <e-mail contact>
MySQL database access wrapper

  Files folder image datapager  
Author: Sam <e-mail contact>
classes for 'paging' through database query result

  Files folder image Date_picker  
Author: Sandon Jurowski <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML form inputs to pick dates

  Files folder image Davis Weather  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2012
Number 8

Prize: One downloadable copy of CodeLobster Professional
Author: Leigh Edwards <e-mail contact>
Communicate with Davis weather stations

  Files folder image Day Tips Show  
Author: omid zarifi <e-mail contact>
Retrieve the tip of the day from a MySQL database

  Files folder image DB  
Author: Amir Khawaja <e-mail contact>
MySQL database management class.

  Files folder image DB 2 XML  
Author: Marcelo Pereira <e-mail contact>
Generate XML documents MySQL database table data

  Files folder image DB Abstract Model  
Author: guillermo murillo <e-mail contact>
Execute MySQL queries calling stored procedures

  Files folder image DB Accelerator  
Author: Yazan Tommalieh <e-mail contact>
Map MySQL table records to objects using MySQLi

  Files folder image DB Access using PDO  
Author: Dustin Ruckman <e-mail contact>
Query MySQL tables with prepared queries using PDO

  Files folder image DB ActiveRecord style  
Author: Dom Hastings <e-mail contact>
Store and retrieve objects in a MySQL database

  Files folder image db Backup  
Author: Mike Poulain <e-mail contact>
Fast MySQL databases backup and restore utility

  Files folder image DB Backup Class  
Author: Raul <e-mail contact>
Generate a MySQL database backup using PDO

  Files folder image Db Broker  
Author: Stevanovic Nedeljko <e-mail contact>
Simple MySQL database access wrapper

  Files folder image DB Cart Class  
Author: Olaf Lederer <e-mail contact>
Manage a shopping cart stored in a MySQL database

  1 - 20   ...   261 - 280   281 - 300   301 - 320   321 - 340   341 - 360   361 - 380   ...   1980 - 1980  
  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  

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