PHP Classes

Classes of Alex Fomenko

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Picture of Alex Fomenko
Name: Alex Fomenko <contact>
Classes: 1
Country: Canada Canada
Age: 46
All time rank: 186845 in Canada Canada
Week rank: 185 Up4 in Canada Canada Up
All time users: 1473
Week users: 0
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  Files folder image PHP Tree Graph Ext  
Render graphical diagrams of hierarchical trees
This package can be used to render graphical diagrams of hierarchical trees of nodes.

It is a fork of the PHP Tree Graph class originally written by Mathias.

This version changes are:

- Added ability to set title of the node
- Added ability to insert nodes without any order
- Added ability to choose which node will be the root (all non-child nodes will not be shown)
- Added ability to set margins of the image

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