PHP Classes

Classes of Francisco Zanon

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Picture of Francisco Zanon
Name: Francisco Zanon <contact>
Classes: 1
Country: Spain Spain
Age: 42
All time rank: 238961 in Spain Spain
Week rank: 185 Up6 in Spain Spain Up
All time users: 985
Week users: 0
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  Files folder image phpGrid  
Display MySQL query results in HTML tables
This package can be used to display MySQL query results in HTML tables.

It executes an SQL query given a table name and the list of field values to display. The results may sorted and grouped by a given field.

The class display an HTML table displaying the query result values. Alternated rows may have different background colors. The table header names and the color values are configurable.

The listing table may have additional rows to show links to separate pages to process the associated database records.

It also shows links to browse the query results split between multiple pages with a given limit of rows.

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