PHP Classes
PHP Classes

Classes of Ashraf Gheith

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Name: Ashraf Gheith <contact> Ashraf Gheith Google profile
Classes: 9
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina
Age: 33
All time rank: 391 in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina
Week rank: 10 Up1 in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Equal
All time users: 28436
Week users: 78
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x
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  Files folder image AJAX driven simple chat  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2006
Number 3

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the magazine by PHP Architect
Web based chat using AJAX to update the dialog

  Files folder image City to Province - Netherlands  
Get the province of a city of the Netherlands

  Files folder image Complete Horoscope  
Get all horoscope aspects from

  Files folder image Easy Connect to MySQL  
Connect to MySQL database and execute an SQL query

  Files folder image Full Payment and Registration  
Paid subscription user registration system

  Files folder image Outsourcing management tool  
Manage software projects database

  Files folder image PHP Secure Login and...  
Register and login users in a database with PDO

  Files folder image Shopping Cart  
Manipulate the item of a shopping cart using AJAX

  Files folder image Today's Joke  
Retrieve the today's joke from the jokes2go site

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