PHP Classes

Classes of Anderson Lima

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Picture of Anderson Lima
Name: Anderson Lima <contact>
Classes: 1
Country: Brazil Brazil
Age: 38
All time rank: 3721293 in Brazil Brazil
Week rank: 185 Up18 in Brazil Brazil Up
All time users: 343
Week users: 0
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  Files folder image PHP Check Server  
Check if you can connect to a server
This class can check if you can connect to a server.

It can take the network address of a server and the name of a protocol and it tries to establish a TCP connection to a given port of the server to see if it accepts the connection.

The server port to connect is configurable but it can also use the pre-defined ports for several known protocols like IMAP, POP3, SMTP, SMTP/TLS, SMTP/SSL, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, CUPS, LDAP, LDAP/SSL, MYSQL, and PostreSQL.

The code and comments are in Portuguese. In Portuguese:

Classe para checagem de servidores da sua rede interna ou externa. Funciona tanto para dominios ou endereços IP.

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