PHP Classes
PHP Classes

Classes of Ravindu Taveesha

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Name: Ravindu Taveesha <contact> Ravindu Taveesha Google profile
Classes: 3
Country: Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
Age: 29
All time rank: 28865 in Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
Week rank: 86 Up1 in Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Up
All time users: 640
Week users: 4
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x


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  Files folder image Non-Word PHP Spell Checker  
Detect incorrectly spelled words and suggest fixes

  Files folder image PHP Genetic Algorithm Class  
Optimize order of sequences with Genetic algorithm

  Files folder image PHP Word Search in Array  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2017
Number 5

Prize: One downloadable e-book of choice by O'Reilly
Search a word in a 2 dimension array of characters

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