PHP Classes
PHP Classes

Classes of Andre Roque Filipe

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Name: Andre Roque Filipe is available for providing paid consulting. Contact Andre Roque Filipe . Andre Roque Filipe Google profile
Classes: 9
Country: Portugal Portugal
Age: 25
All time rank: 128317 in Portugal Portugal
Week rank: 120 Up4 in Portugal Portugal Up
All time users: 2330
Week users: 6
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x
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  Files folder image Config4all  
Load configuration files in multiple formats

  Files folder image IFrameYou  
Generate HTML to embed video players

  Files folder image laravel-dev  
Preset Laravel developer packages

  Files folder image MASNathan Curl  
Send HTTP requests with the Curl extension

  Files folder image MASNathan Super Object  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2015
Number 2

Prize: PhpStorm IDE personal permanent license
Set and get variables, call objects in many ways

  Files folder image MASNathan\Pagination  
Get pagination links for listings split in pages

  Files folder image oGravatar  
Get avatar images and the profile of Gravatar user

  Files folder image PHP API Caller  
Send requests to different Web services APIs

  Files folder image PHP Short URL Class  
Shorten URLs using different Web services APIs

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