PHP Classes

Classes of amani

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Picture of amani
Name: amani is available for providing paid consulting. Contact amani . amani Google profile
Classes: 3
Country: Iran Iran
Age: 31
All time rank: 324665 in Iran Iran
Week rank: 1475 Up40 in Iran Iran Up
All time users: 424
Week users: 0
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 2x
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  Files folder image PHP Mass Database Update  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2014
Number 6

Prize: One copy of VS.PHP
Update all MySQL database table records

  Files folder image PHP Password Generate  
Generate random password text of given length

  Files folder image WordPress Term Post Count  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2015
Number 9

Prize: SourceGuarding PHP encoder tool
Get WordPress terms and posts using them

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