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2. Sentiment Analysis in PHP Part 2: Applying the Solution in Practice

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In the first part of this article we learned about the theory of analyzing a text to determine the sentiments expressed by the user that wrote it.

Read this article to learn to how to implement a sentiment analysis application in practice based on the PHP Sentiment Analyzer class.

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1. PHP Sentiment Analysis Code Part 1: N-gram based PHP Text Analysis

Updated on: 2017-04-05

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With growth of people that go on the Internet to express their opinions about brands and other matters, Sentiment Analysis tools are becoming increasingly important to help companies and individuals to react in a timely manner to incidents that affect their business and reputation.

Fortunately we already have the Machine Learning technology necessary to implement sentiment analysis even using pure PHP code.

Read this article to learn more about how you can implement your own sentiment analysis tools in your PHP own applications.

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