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Package: Context Voice php library

uberVU have changed their API into a standalone product now called Context Voice. There is a new version of the php class which reflects the change of name and new methods.

New features

New method getUrlReactions
returns the indexed reactions (tweets, diggs etc.) it includes a number of
optional parameters:

since – retrieve all the reactions that are newer than this timestamp

include – include only the reactions from the specified platforms: twitter, friendfeed, digg, wordpress, blogger, typepad, disqus, flickr, picasa, youtube, vimeo, delicious, reddit, hackernews, mixx, stumbleupon, nytimes, slashdot

exclude – exclude the reactions from the specified platforms: twitter, friendfeed, digg, wordpress, blogger, typepad, disqus, flickr, picasa, youtube, vimeo, delicious, reddit, hackernews, mixx, stumbleupon, nytimes, slashdot

filter – exclude the reactions from Twitter that repeat/quote someone’s tweet regarding the current conversation

order – asc, desc – order the reactions asc/desc using the ‘created_at’ field

page – start from the specific page in the result set

perpage – how many reactions will be included per page (default: 25; max: 100)

Anonymous API calls

These are limited to only calling the getUrlReactions method and rate limited to 500 calls per day.

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