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1. How to Run a PHP Long Running Process Started from a Web Page Without Making Users Wait by Using Redis with Lua Scripts Configured by Your PHP Application

Updated on: 2024-03-18

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Some tasks executed by computers may take a long time to complete due to the complexity of the task steps. When computer systems are under excessive load, those tasks may take a lot more time to finish.

That may happen when a user wants to publish an article in a blog system. Usually, that task requires creating and updating many database records.

When a system is under a lot of load, if multiple parallel tasks perform database access operations on the same tables, finishing all parallel tasks may take a lot of time.

Making users wait a long time for a computer task to finish is not a good idea because users may become irritated due to the lack of patience.

Using a queue management system may help avoid this problem. The long tasks are sent to a queue quickly, and the user does not have to wait long. Later, the queue processing system may execute all queued tasks, one at a time, to avoid causing system overloading.

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