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2. How to Implement Better PHP Security Support to Detect Possible Frauds in Financial Transactions Using Benford's Law

Updated on: 2024-04-12

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Fraud detection is critical to guarantee the security of transactions, especially when it involves financial values.

Benford's law can be applied to detect abnormal values in a data set that may contain financial values by analyzing its digits.

This package implements Benford's law in a PHP class. PHP developers can use it in applications to analyze values used in financial transactions and quickly detect the probability of fraud.

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1. How to Implement a PHP Financial Frauds Detection System Using Benford's Law

Updated on: 2023-10-25

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Benford's Law algorithm can detect the probability of fraud in a data set of values used in financial transactions.

The PHP Benford's package implements this algorithm in PHP applications.

Read this short tutorial article to learn how to use this package to implement financial fraud detection in your PHP applications using the example code from this article.

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