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2. How Can PHP Synchronize MySQL Databases From Your Local Environment to the Production Quickly

Updated on: 2021-10-21

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Sometimes you need to update your MySQL database in production to deploy schema changes to support new PHP application features.

The PHP MySQL Scheman package can help you to perform this task quickly.

Read this tutorial article on how to use this package to perform database schema synchronization in practice.

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1. How to Implement a PHP MySQL Schema Migration Tool to Safely Upgrade an Application Database Schema

Updated on: 2021-08-06

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Database schema changes are necessary to perform when an application needs to evolve and store more information in its database tables.

Changing a database schema is a delicate operation. The changes to be done on the database schema need to be done in the right order and use the correct SQL statements so that multiple changes can be done successfully.

This package provides a safer solution by generating a JSON file with the current database table schema definition.

Then the developer can make the database schema changes he wants in the JSON file so that the package can perform the necessary changes executing the correct SQL statements in the correct order.

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