How to Create PHP Site from Scratch Very Quickly - Update Site package blog

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Updated on: 2021-04-19

Posted on: 2021-04-19

Viewers: 669 (April 2021)

Package: Update Site

Sometimes developers need to create simple sites in a very short period of time.

Often WordPress is a choice of many developers but it is already too powerful and complex to setup and configure so quickly.

Read this article to learn how to use a simple Update Site class to create a new and simple PHP site made of articles from scratch very quickly.

In this article you will learn:

What is the Update Site Class

How to Setup the Database

How to Create a Web Page

How to Create Database Entries for the Articles

How to Edit Articles

How to Enhance the Site Sections

How to Download the Update Site Package or Install it With PHP Composer

How to Contact Barton Phillips the Class Author

What is the Update Site Class

Update Site is a PHP Class with a little JavaScript thrown in that can be used to insert sections into a Web site from a database. The sections can be edited and administered via the Web.

This class documentation can be found at the SiteClass Documentation.

How to Setup the Database

The sections are stored in a database. Currently there are two types of the database that the class supports:

  • MySQL. This uses the most current PHP library (mysqli)
  • Sqlite2. This is not as well tested but should work with this class

The database schema looks like this:

  `page` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `itemname` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `title` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `bodytext` text,
  `date` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
  `status` enum('active','inactive','delete') DEFAULT 'active',
  `creator` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

This is the schema for using MySQL.

The 'creator' field is only used if you have extended the SiteClass to handel members.

How to Create a Web Page

You can create a webpage as follows:

// test.php

$_site = require_once(getenv("SITELOAD"). "/siteload.php");
$S = new $_site->className($_site);

// The following comment is needed by UpdateSite.
// This must be at the beginning of the line and have the words 'START UpdateSite' 
// followed ma the name of the database item. This can be anywhere in the file but
// I like to put it close the the invocation of UpdateSite.

// START UpdateSite Message
// START UpdateSite AnotherMessage

$s->siteclass = $S; // This is the SiteClass object or one of its children
$s->site = "heidi"; // The name of the site. Can be any name
$s->page = "test.php"; // The name of the page
$s->itemname ="Message"; // The name of the database item

$u = new UpdateSite($s); // instantiate the class

$item = $u->getItem(); // gets the item in 'itemname'. You can set a different value and then call with $s.

// If item is false then no active item in table

if($item !== false) {
  $message = <<<EOF
<p class="itemdate">Created: {$item['date']}</p>

$s->itemname = "AnotherMessage";

$item = $u->getItem($s); 

if($item !== false) {
  $anotherMessage = <<<EOF
<p class="itemdate">Created: {$item['date']}</p>

// Use SiteClass to get the top and footer

list($top, $footer) = $S->getPageTopBottom();

echo <<<EOF
<h1>Example 1</h1>

If you run this example it will show no messages.

How to Create Database Entries for the Articles

To create the database entries you can run the following program.

// testupdatecreate.php

$_site = require_once(getenv("SITELOAD"). "/siteload.php");
$S = new $_site->className($_site);

// Get site info

$h->title = "Update Site For Granby Rotary";
$h->banner = "<h1>Update Site For Granby Rotary</h1>";

// UpdateSite::firstHalf() is a static member.
// UpdateSite::firstHalf($S, $h, [$nextfilename]);
// The third parameter is optional.
// $nextfilename can be set if we want a file other than the default which is "/updatesite2.php".

$page = UpdateSite::firstHalf($S, $h, 'testupdatesite2.php');

echo <<<EOF
<a href="testupdateadmin.php">Administer Update Site Table</a><br/>

This is the first half of the creation program. As you can see the two drop downs are locked together by JavaScript. You can select the page (the name of the Web page you created) and then select the database item you want to edit.

How to Edit Articles

The second screen lets you edit the selected item.

// testupdatesite2.php

$_site = require_once(getenv("SITELOAD"). "/siteload.php");
$S = new $_site->className($_site);
$h->title = "Update Site For Heidi";
$h->banner = "<h1>Update Site Admin For Granby Rotary</h1>";
$h->extra = <<<EOF
  <script src=""></script>
  <script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
  var auto = 1;

  $("#updatesiteform #formtablesubmitth input")
  .after("<input type='button' id='render' style='display: none' value='Quick Preview'/>" +
        "<input type='button' id='autopreview' value='Stop Auto Preview' />");

  $("#updatesiteform").after("<div style='padding: 5px; border: 1px solid black' id='quickpreview'>");
  $("#quickpreview").html("<div style='border: 1px solid red'>TITLE: " + $("#formtitle").val() +
                            "</div>" + $("#formdesc").val());

  $("#autopreview").click(function() {
    if(auto) {
      $(this).val("Start Auto Preview");
      auto = 0;
    } else {
      $(this).val("Stop Auto Preview");
      auto = 1;

  $("#render").click(function() {
    $("#quickpreview").html("<div style='border: 1px solid red'>TITLE: " + $("#formtitle").val() +
                            "</div>" + $("#formdesc").val());

  $("#formdesc, #formtitle").keyup(function() {
    if(!auto) return false;

    $("#quickpreview").html("<div style='border: 1px solid red'>TITLE: " + $("#formtitle").val() +
                            "</div>" + $("#formdesc").val());

$s->site = "heidi";

UpdateSite::secondHalf($S, $h, $s);

When you click on the 'preview' button you will get the third page.

Once you click the 'Create Article' you can go back to your first page and you should see messages.

How to Enhance the Site Sections

You can change the 'testupdatecreate.php', 'testupdatesite2.php' and 'updatesite-simple-preview.php' to make them work better with your site. There are two other preview pages that you can use: 'updatesite-preview.php' and 'updatesite-new-preview.php'.

How to Download the Update Site Package or Install it With PHP Composer

The Cursor package is available for you to download as a ZIP archive by going to the download page or install it using the PHP Composer Tool by going to the installation instructions page.

How to Contact Barton Phillips the Class Author

This class was created by myself, Barton Phillips. If you want to hire me, you may find my PHP professional profile here. You may contact me by email sending a message to or by going to this contact page.

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For more information send a message to info at phpclasses dot org.