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Articles about creating businesses about software products

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414. 6 Important Steps to Make Your Software Product Succeed

Updated on: 2016-07-11

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Creating a successful software product business is not just a matter of creating a good software product.

Fortunately there are just a few more well known things you need to know to create a promising business.

Watch this short video to learn what other criteria you need to satisfy to build a successful software product business.

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403. 7 Reasons Why Developers Need to Create their Own Software Product Businesses

Updated on: 2017-03-28

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Many developers are not happy with working for other companies. They do not have much autonomy to work on projects they want, they cannot work from home, they cannot work any time they want, and in the end they get paid a limited amount of money.

The alternative for these unhappy developers is to create their own software products and sell them to many customers. Unfortunately many developers do not know how to get started and become successful.

The good news is that this is the first of series of short videos that will teach developers all they need to know to create their own businesses developing products that the customers really want and will pay for.

Watch this short video to learn about why creating your own products is the right step to be a happier developer, as well how you can attend a free online workshop that will teach the essential steps to achieve that goal.

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