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1195. Why Now It Is a Good Time to Upgrade to PHP 8.3 - The Smooth PHP 8.3 Upgrade Guide

Updated on: 2024-04-05

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Every time there is a new PHP release announcement, many developers want to upgrade immediately, justifying their decision with the justification that newer versions are more secure.

Upgrading is good when it is a smooth process. The reality of an upgrade process will be soft if you take the proper steps to deal with the many changes made in PHP in the newer release.

Read this short article to learn why now is an excellent time to start upgrading to PHP 8.3 and how you can upgrade your applications to a newer version in a way that can be as smooth as possible.

Here is a video in which I explain why you need to pick the best time to upgrade to a newer PHP version. Check the end of the article for a complete series of tutorial videos about the steps to upgrade to a newer PHP release.

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